I guess I didn’t take good notes these days, but I did get thrown out of Pebble Beach

Day 53:
12,500 miles and counting.
Today I met Quincy, hands-down the coolest dog of my trip.
Saturday I was finally able to leave the residence inn in Sacramento. I’m going to head for a few of the high favorited geocaches and other unfinished Geocaching business around here. Then I’m going to finally make it to Yuba City. And then back out to the coast, hopefully finishing the day by Monterey.
I finished up everything I wanted to accomplish around Sacramento by late morning and I’m finally heading up to Yuba City now. I have danced around, and circled around, Yuba City for what feels like a month now. I have been within an hour so many times, and put off swinging through there, but today is finally the day. Between broken windows and broke down vans, Yuba City has just been put on the back burner for too long.
After that I routed to some unfinished business, hunting for Jeremiah’s Gold. I came away with the prize this time! If you care about that entire sage, you can read that here: www.jimmysellers.com/jeremiah
It was another fantastic hike, a hike so nice I did it twice. It was at Morgan Territory Preserve near San Fran.
At some point I could not drive any longer and I stopped to sleep.

Day 54:
Today I met Petey, hands-down the coolest dog of my trip.
I woke up at a rest area on I-5. It’s where I ran out of energy and daylight yesterday on my way to the coast. My next destination is Monterey which is about two hours from where I started.

Finally, this trip is back on track…for now!
My day started with a 10 mile walk around Monterey. I started around the lover’s leap area. I parked and started walking. I walked across the peninsula, and then took the coastline all the way back. I walked a giant, sideways, letter D. It was breathtaking the entire way. I followed a trail of geocaches, and other natural wonders worth looking at. After that, I went for a sit down dinner. I wanted seafood, and this is the place. I had a wonderful dinner at the Fishwife, and then I found some parking along the ocean. I took a shower, photographed the sunet, made new friends with a nice family currently living in the Monterey area, possibly my new press agent, and then settled in to see what the night sky looks like.
They looked great! I took pictures until I couldn’t any longer. Then I went to sleep. I got rousted out of where I was sleeping in the middle of the night somewhere near Pebble Beach. The kid was super nice, and I thought I was going to talk him into turning a blind eye for a few hours, but he apologized and said he couldn’t. I moved down the road another 20 minutes or so to a Safeway. That looked and felt very safe, oddly enough 🙂

Day 55:
Today I met Nola, hands-down the coolest dog of my trip.
12,900 miles and counting.
I spent the entire day meandering south on the Pacific Coast Highway. I got almost nowhere. I ended my night in San Luis Obispo. I didn’t get very far south. But I did have a day full of amazing views, picture opportunities, a handful of short to medium hikes, I met some fun people, and I found a bunch of great geocaches. It was somehow a very uneventful, and overly stimulating day. I finished in SLO, just as the sun was setting. Sadly, it was very hazy, and there was no amazing PCH sunset to speak of.

I did start an album of this trip that I am updating as I process. HERE.

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